Theory of juristic act of real right has its unique value, so the legislation and judicature shall persist in the independence of juristic act of real right, but limit abstract of juristic act of real right in certain degree. 笔者主张,物权行为理论有其独立价值,我国立法与司法应坚持物权行为的独立性,但应对物权行为的无因性进行一定的限制。
The author points out the defects of affirmative and negative abstract principle of juristic act of real right in law circle. 作者指出了法学界物权行为无因性肯定说与否定说两种主张的缺陷,从债权有效行为,物权行为有效或无效;
On the Independent Principle& Abstract Principle of Juristic Act of Real Right 浅谈物权行为的区分原则及无因性原则
Act of liability and act of disposition originated from the theory of abstract real agreement belong in the system of juristic act, which become the symbols of Germanic system of law and are regarded as "two vital pulses" of criminal law. 负担行为与处分行为是法律行为制度中的基本范畴,其源于“抽象物权契约”理论,成为德意志法系样式的标志,被视为民法上的“任督二脉”。